This blog post is a summary of a Skimmer Webinar from November 2024. Click here to watch the full webinar on demand.
Before the era of swimming pool business software and automation, pool owners with pool/spa combinations shared a common problem: they kept accidentally draining their spas into their pools. At the time, both bodies of water were operated with one piece of equipment that had to be operated manually, and pool owners were clearly confused about how to do it properly.
To solve this problem, Pentair introduced an automation solution. Instead of having to understand manual valve control, pool owners could now turn their equipment to “spa mode” or “pool mode,” instantly improving the experience for all pool owners.
Today, this technology has extended beyond pool/spa combinations. In this webinar, Skimmer’s Niki Acosta was joined by Pentair automation experts Jeff Verplaetse and Rodney McCall, who walked us through the many ways automation is impacting both pool owners and pool service providers. Here are our top five takeaways from the webinar.
1. Automation benefits both pool owners and pool service providers
Even for pool owners with a single body of water, the complexity of pool management can be overwhelming, and Rodney and Jeff have noticed over the years that many pool owners are afraid to engage with their equipment. With automation, they can control their pools with their smartphone in a format they’re familiar with.
While pool service providers are much more comfortable navigating their way around pool equipment, automation benefits them, too. For one, it’s made remote monitoring possible so that pool pros can monitor their customers’ pools, access error codes, and see if pump schedules have changed, all without having to be on the job site. They can also make fixes remotely, adjusting settings from a remote dashboard.
Automation also creates an alert system for pool pros when their customers’ pools need attention. Email or text notifications flag when something’s off or if a step was missed. For example, if a provider forgot to turn a pump back on, they’ll receive a notification and be able to turn it on remotely.
Finally, automation products like IntelliCenter enable pool pros to restore the original programming they set up if the customer ever messes around with settings. This creates a better system for everyone. Pool owners don’t have to live in fear that they’ll turn the wrong dial and ruin their upcoming pool party plans, and pool service providers can easily identify and fix problems, often without even visiting the site.
2. Automation can serve all customer segments
Most pool owners today want the latest smartphone control for their pools, but that doesn’t mean that every customer wants—or needs—a fully automated pool system. Pentair has segmented pool owners into three groups that would benefit from the IntelliCenter Upgrade Kit:
- Tech enthusiasts are the customers who just want the latest and greatest. For these customers, all you really have to do is point out that there’s a better model available, and they’ll be likely to make the switch.
- Customers without ScreenLogic® have legacy systems that don’t offer smartphone control. For these customers, an upgrade is actually cheaper than getting ScreenLogic and allows them to control their pools more easily.
- Customers who need failure replacement. Often, power surges can take out low-voltage circuitry (you’d be surprised how many pool owners have no surge protection for their equipment). For these customers, replacing old equipment is a great opportunity to offer an upgrade that will make their life easier.
3. Tracking equipment is easier with Skimmer
Keeping track of equipment remotely is even easier for Skimmer users. Within both the mobile and web apps, each customer profile has a “Customer Appointment” section. From here, pool pros can go into the Pentair control system and add all relevant equipment details: installation dates, usernames and passwords, serial numbers, photos, and more.

Having this information on hand makes remote monitoring as easy as looking at a phone screen. If a customer calls with a problem, pool pros can pop into the app, get the information they need, and save themselves a site visit by making any necessary changes through the customer’s Pentair system.
If a site visit is needed, knowing what’s there before arriving makes the whole process more efficient. As Jeff remembers, the most expensive part of running a pool service company was sending someone out for a peek to see what kind of equipment the customer had. As he sees it, “Documenting equipment is number one” in efficiency-driving tactics.
Skimmer also allows pool pros to make money during the off-season by allowing them to target customers with old Pentair systems and provide an upgrade quote when their pool is winterized. Overall, Skimmer and Pentair work together to drive efficiencies in every pool service process.
4. Skimmer and Pentair can help you upgrade your marketing strategy
Jeff believes that the people who are in the backyard with a customer are the number one sales guys. With the pool in front of you and the customer beside you, it’s much easier to offer upgrades. Rodney adds, “So many times I’ve been on site selling IntelliFlow, and the customer says, ‘I would have done this a long time ago had I known about it.’ You just have to get the word out.”
If you’re not in the backyard with customers, however, it’s still possible to get the word out. In fact, if you’re a Skimmer user, it’s as easy as adding customer tags. You can use Skimmer tags to send a broadcast email to every customer in a particular segment. For example, you can add a tag for each customer’s Pentair product and then send broadcast emails about upgrades to any customers with that tag.
In Rodney and Jeff’s experience, customers are grateful when their pool service provider offers them the latest and greatest technology. If you don’t ask, you won’t know. Skimmer and Pentair just make it easier to know who to ask and what to offer them.
5. Remote monitoring and control helps you increase profits
Pentair’s dashboard takes remote monitoring to a new level by allowing pool service owners to see a birds-eye-view, real-time reading of all their customers’ pools in one place. This helps control costs by allowing them to tackle more with fewer employees and prioritize and address emergencies easily.
With a dashboard view, pool pros can keep a close eye on their customers through their phone, tablet, or laptop any time of day. Some Pentair customers even have TVs mounted in their service departments. Through the dashboard, users can also prioritize alarms so that if something happens with one pool, it will shoot to the top of the page. This alert system lets pool service providers be smarter about resourcing. Often, pool pros using Pentair can fix issues right from their desk, like changing set points from a telecam or turning on a pump.
Offering automation also helps pool pros sell other products easily. As Jeff and Rodney put it, adding automation to the pad is like planting sales seeds. Pentair providers often sell other products that can communicate with the initial Pentair product (like the IntelliCam) as add-ons. And while filters can’t yet be automated, service providers can use automation to set a max speed or flow within the settings for filters that are the wrong size.
With pools, small problems become big problems in a matter of days. Being able to provide an automation-informed level of service creates a five-star customer experience of cost savings, convenience, and a connected system where each piece of equipment is working the way it should. That sets the stage for loyal customers who will keep coming back for more services.
Start your automation journey today
If you want to learn more about the IntelliCenter Upgrade Kit and how you can pair it with Skimmer to achieve best-in-class automation, get in touch to learn more today.
Pentair also offers plenty of opportunities to educate yourself on their products. You can view upcoming workshops for Pentair Pool University or browse their online support library anytime.
If you’d like to learn more about Skimmer and try it free for 30 days, book a demo today.