In today's competitive market, the importance of a catchy and easily identifiable name cannot be overstated. Your company name is the first impression potential clients have of your business and sets the tone for your entire brand.
In this post, we'll explore essential tips and techniques to help you generate eye-catching pool company names that will not only make a splash but also stay afloat in the ever-evolving pool industry. With that said, let's dive in!
Step 1: Brainstorming
Once you choose a business name, you're pretty much stuck with it. Changing names down the line is possible, but it's a huge pain. This is especially true if you've registered your LLC, invested in logos and marketing materials, and purchased a domain name.
In other words, you don’t want to rush the brainstorming stage. There are no "bad ideas" in the brainstorming stage. It's about getting all your ideas out on paper - with zero judgment (yes, that means all your ideas). It's even better if you can walk through this process with a business partner, mentor, or employee to bounce ideas off of.
Here are some strategies for coming up with ideas for naming your swimming pool company.
Use a thesaurus to rephrase business names
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel with your swimming pool company ideas. Use a thesaurus to rephrase different business names until you find a few that sound good.
For example, let’s say you wanted to base your swimming pool business on a blue whale. You could use the thesaurus to find different synonyms for the word blue. You could also consider other peaceful ocean creatures to base your idea on, such as a manta ray or a dolphin. One example of an ocean-themed name is Blue Marlin Pool Service.
The blue marlin is a bold and beautiful fish known for its incredible speed. Not only does this fish make people think of water, but it also makes them think of fast service. Open a document or take out a notepad and start writing down your ideas. These can be words, phrases, or even feelings. These will act as "seed keywords" for your business name. Take each of these and plug them into a site like and add any relevant synonyms to your list.
Remember your target audience
Another dependable way to narrow down your brainstorming session is through your target audience. What problems are they coming to your pool business with and why?
Your name should automatically tell them what to expect from you. For example, Royal Pools And Spas is a business that focuses on above-ground pools, saunas, and spas. Their name instantly makes you think of a fancy and high-quality service.
Another example is Flamingo Pools. They’re a local swimming pool manufacturer with several decades of experience. Their name takes after the iconic pink bird, often associated with relaxing and cleaning off in the water. It inspires the viewer to feel similarly about their own soon-to-be pool experience.
Consider your business location
Will you be a locally owned swimming pool company focusing on a certain district or state? Perhaps you want to operate along the entire West Coast. All Valley Pool Repairs is a great example of a geo-centric pool service name.
Use a pool company name generator
You don’t have to do all the brainstorming yourself. Consider using a name generator tool to create dozens of interesting and engaging names about swimming pools, pool maintenance, and spa cleaning. We have a few you can check out below:
- How To Start An LLC has a free generator for pool business names.
- Online portfolio websites such as Wix and GoDaddy offer business name generators (with the bonus of checking domain name availability).
Leverage the power of free AI tools
ChatGPT, powered by OpenAI, is an incredibly versatile tool that can help you generate creative and unique pool business names with just a few simple steps. ChatGPT is an incredible free tool that’s certainly no replacement for human brainstorming but can significantly speed up the process.

Step 2: Research
Researching potential names is a must-have step in the process. You don’t want to step on any legal toes and end up with a name too similar to another business. We have a few reliable methods to ensure you choose a unique name.
Conduct a thorough internet search for your swimming pool company
After brainstorming several business names, a thorough Internet search is the next logical step. Take some time to sift through the different pool cleaning companies or pool services in your niche.
Are you establishing a pool cleaning business? Type in "pool cleaning business" or something similar to see which names are out there. You can record these names in your brainstorming document and keep them for future reference during brainstorming sessions.
If you’re considering establishing a spa and sauna business, do the same method as above—type in "spa company" or "spa maintenance" to generate several operating businesses. When you choose your name, register the domain as soon as possible. Your business name is one of the first impressions you make on a customer, so don’t wait until after the launch of your website.
If the .com domain is already taken, you can register alternative domains like .net, .biz, and .us. Or add modifiers in the domain name itself. It's worth mentioning that .com domains still retain the most trust when it comes to the average internet user.
Ask friends or family for feedback on your name
Friends and family can be absolutely brutal in their honest feedback, but that's exactly what you need to decide on a business name. Ask friends or family members you know will shoot you straight - bonus points if you have friends that have operated pool or service-based businesses. We can often get emotionally attached to our own ideas, so bringing in a few unbiased third parties can be a helpful way to avoid a bad name.
Step 3. Branding
Branding is the personality of your business. It’s composed of many details, such as the tone you use for advertisements or the colors you use for your business logo. At least 86% of customers today say they prefer an authentic brand image. Choosing the right swimming pool company name needs to align with your brand message.
A great pool service name tells customers:
- What you do
- For whom you do it
For example, the pool service named Above Ground Pool Boys conveys a sense of relatability and approachability to the customer. Plus, it tells the customer what you actually do: service above-ground pools.
However, niching down like this can get tricky if you ever want to expand your services into spas or in-ground pools. See how it's all a very delicate balancing act?
Conversely, consider something like Spas Presidential Pools. This brand name elicits feelings of luxury and regality.
Each has wildly different implications on how you'll brand and market your business and attract customers.
Use a name that conveys some meaning
Your pool business name needs to convey meaning immediately. Since your business name is your best foot forward, you want it to inspire trust and communicate what you do.
Simply put, your name needs to align closely with your mission and your goals. For example, let’s say you’re creating an above-ground residential pool installation business. Your business values are creating a positive and frictionless experience for your customers.
You can then choose a name that emphasizes convenience or a positive attitude. You can also choose a name showcasing your passion for a job well done. Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal customer. What do you want them to think and feel when they see your name?
Don't go for a funny name
While a funny name sounds like a memorable way to get noticed, it can backfire. Shock value isn’t the best way to assure potential customers you’re trustworthy.
Smaller businesses sometimes do well with a funny or charming name. In fact, they can lean into that charm to sell their merchandise or stand out from the competition. If you plan to become a large, mainstream business, avoid jokey names.
Try not to choose a name with scary or gross imagery
It’s not just funny names that might backfire. Swimming pool business names with scary or gross imagery may also turn off your customer base. For example, a pool cleaning service could use fierce animals such as sharks in their business name.
While it's certainly an attention-grabber, customers probably don't want to associate your brand with the idea of a shark swimming around in their personal swimming pool.
Be careful of unintentional puns
Another branding mishap to be wary of is unintentional puns or plays on words. Although these business names can be creative, they can also backfire. While we indulge in a few pool puns here and there (even in this very blog post), building a business off of cheeky humor is not the best strategy.
One example of an unfortunate business name is Sam & Ella’s Chicken Palace. The owners thought to name their restaurant after themselves but didn’t consider the unintentional play on words. Sam & Ella’s sounds a lot like salmonella, doesn’t it?
Step 4. Legal Considerations
Now that you’ve brainstormed and researched your business name, it’s time to make sure someone else has not legally registered this business. When you register your business name, your state will likely have a business name entity tool you can use. They can also provide you with a database of current pool services or pool cleaning company names for you to review.

For example, the Florida government has an LLC checker tool you can use to make sure nobody else has registered your name in the state of Florida. If your name is already taken – or sounds too similar to another name – it’s time to go back to the diving board (er, "drawing board." Sorry, last pun). However, if you did thorough research in the above sections, the chances of this happening at the legal stage are slim.
Step 5. Final Selection
Brainstorming, researching, receiving feedback, and studying branding are the foundations of a good business name. Now that you've double-checked that the name is available, you’re ready to finally pick.
Narrow down to your top three names
If you have several solid names to choose from, force yourself to narrow them down to three. Only pick the ones that clearly communicate your business values and stand out from the competition.
Check-in with friends and family again
Your community is filled with people who may need pool business services or cleaning services in the future. Check in with friends and family again for advice on choosing the final name. Ask them for brutally honest feedback on which name is the most appealing and engenders the most trust. Ask them which name clearly communicates what your business does.
Final thoughts
Generating effective pool company names for your new pool business is time-consuming. It's also incredibly rewarding when it starts bringing in customers.
Narrowing down an effective brand name involves brainstorming ideas, researching them thoroughly, and getting appropriate feedback. Once you’re finished, evaluate your branding and review legal considerations.
After all this work is completed, you’ll be on your way to an iconic, original name. Once you have your name, Skimmer can help you run your pool service business smoothly. Check out our demo to see how we can simplify your pool business operations.